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God's Power Clothed In Weakness

Writer's picture: Terry Rosseter Terry Rosseter

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Jesus told us; " in the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world." Let's face it, we're in a world of trouble. Yet, the troubles we endure aren't necessarily attacks by hostile armies or radical terrorists, although this happens. Usually the woes we suffer are the everyday pains of living in a fallen world. Family conflicts, broken relationships and shattered homes, church splits over nothing, physical and mental illnesses, cruel words from friends and enemies alike. The deaths of loved ones, being blessed with teenagers. Plus, our secret battles with sin, lust and addictions. In other words, the everyday stuff that afflicts us all...Hard times.

Jesus warned us of especially hard time ahead; with unrest among the nations and wars everywhere, corruption, lawlessness and violence, where persecutions abound (see Luke 21:10f). Nevertheless; Christ really has overcome the world and in Him, we have too! Even if we are in the world, we're not of it! Never forget; greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world, along with all that's in it.

Christ in us is our only hope of glory. By acknowledging our weaknesses, fears and lack of faith we are proclaiming our need to receive Him and His infinite supply. We are declaring His presence in spite of our feelings. We don't perform these acts of valor to be seen by men but by God though modest faith, in the theaters of our hearts before an audience of ONE.

God isn't interested in our personal strengths or abilities, rather He cares most about our availability. He wants us to simply trust Him by walking in "the obedience of faith." No matter how clumsy, inept or out of step we may feel, we trust Him. The mystery behind Paul's thorn in the flesh is, God's grace is more than enough (II Corinthians 12:7-10).

His dominion and authority are embodied within and released through our brokenness. Real glory is birthed in weakness and cradled in humility. Real faith comes by knowing, we can do all things through Christ...through Him alone! While realizing that, without Him we can do nothing.


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